Registrations NOW Open


Registrations NOW Open ~


On behalf of the organising and scientific committees I am delighted to invite you to attend next year’s ANZSO Conference (ANZSOC) in Hobart, Tasmania from the 2nd to the 5th of September 2025. ANZSOC 2025 will mark 21 years since our annual conference has been held in Tasmania, our unique island state.

The theme of ANZSOC 2025 is Towards Equity in Stroke. We have made great advances in reducing the incidence and improving the outcomes of stroke. Yet, we know there are large disparities in access to care for the prevention, acute care and rehabilitation of stroke. At ANZSOC 2025 we will explore how we can address these inequities by sex or gender, age, socioeconomic status, geographic location and stroke type.

Tasmania is the ideal location to explore this intersection of factors because of its unique characteristics. It is an entirely regional state, with a small and dispersed population, facing high levels of socioeconomic deprivation and an ageing population. However, these challenges bring many opportunities for innovation and collaboration across the health and community sectors to reduce the burden of stroke.

A visit to Tasmania offers many opportunities to explore our natural environment, with nearly half of the state a national park with hiking, biking and boating close to the conference location in Hobart. While here, you can visit Australia’s largest private museum, MONA; indulge in world class food and wine; and visit the world-famous Salamanca Markets.

We look forward to seeing you in Hobart in September 2025.

Professor Seana Gall

ANZSO Conference Chair